
Charity Concert

I listend to some good music and talks at a charity concert for three earthquakes in Niigata. The pianist said "What can we do for those people? The raised money doesn't look enough to rebuild their houses and lives. At least, we can encourage them in conveying our heart 'We don't forget you. We know your hardships and pray for you.' with raised things."

I think so. I try to do something if it is not enough.

5 件のコメント:

Yoshie さんのコメント...

Hello! I'm Yoshie. I tried to access everyone's blog just now. It is interesting how eachone's individuality comes out.
I hope we'll continue to be good

ai さんのコメント...

Yoshie !!
Welcome to my blog and I already commented yours. Let's keep our blogs!

Yoshie さんのコメント...

Your blog is very interesting !
You had a great time !

Iku さんのコメント...

Hi, Ai!!
I usually read your blog, but I always only reading. So this is a first comment...sorry...
I can learn so much from your blog!

I have never taken part in a charity event.
We enjoy listening to music, we can simultaneously support good causes.
I think it's a really good thing.
Someday, I would like to participate such a charity event.

ai さんのコメント...

Welcome and thank you for your coming. I try to keep her words in my mind because I often forget it...